Hamilton, New Zealand

Cancelation Of Services

Please see below our terms and condition’s of cancelling your services with Youhost.  If the service you hold with Youhost is not listed on this page please contact us requesting this information

Domain Names

Domain names can be cancelled at anytime up to and 30 days over there due date.  Please either do this in your Client area and send us an email so we can arrange this for you.  Please note if you do cancel a domain part way thru its normal 12 month term that your domain will only expire after its current expiry date.  We can how ever provide Domain forwarding for you in this time if you wish.

Email Services

Depending on which email service you have with Youhost can change the way to cancel this

If you are running your emails directly with your Hosting account we only require 30 days notice of this so we can apply the correct changes

You will receive one final bill after the cancelation date.  Once your email services has been terminated please note all emails accounts including any emails inside of these will be deleted and are not recoverable


If your email is being provide thru Microsoft 365 then please contact us directly to find what your current terms are due to having to make a 12 month commitment as required by Microsoft on these plans

Hosting Services

Hosting services require 60 days notice depending on your hosting plan.  Pre paid term plans (Eg 3,6,12 month terms) will not receive any partial  refunds due to the fact these plans have been discounted and require us to commit to our suppliers for the time requested

After the cancelation request has been made we will confirm this in writing (email) of your cancelation date

Please make sure all data is backed up and removed from our services prior to this as once the account has been cancelled all data will be deleted and won’t be recoverable

Phone Services

All phone service cancelations must give us 60 Days prior warning

Cancelations must be made in either an email or via your Cilent Area.  Once we have received this we will confirm by writing in email to confirm this 

Any hardware currently installed on your premis must be returned within 7 days after your cancelation date at your cost by either courier or dropping at our offices.  If this is not done you will be invoiced for this at the original purchase cost price to us

After your cancelation date your phone server hosting will be terminated and your final bill will be sent.  Please note we require the final bill to be paid within 7 days of this